Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Blessed Penis

From what I've experienced, the norm has always been that a guy can have one orgasm, and then after a short break, go for number two. After that, it's almost a struggle to get the soldier back up to perform duty again without taking a breather.

Then I met Mexican Boy.

At a mere five feet four inches and weighing in at no more than 120 pounds, he packed an eight inch cock. Yes.

But it wasn't the size of the wang that alarmed me. Ladies and Gentlemen, this boy could have erection after erection after erection for hours, I kid you not. Of course, only the first couple of orgasms would actually ejaculate semen. Afterwards, he'd just shoot blanks. Regardless, I was in awe and envy at how easily and how plentifully this guy could climax. The gap between orgasm and boner was a mere matter of minutes. It was insane. I once experimented to see how many times I could get him off before his penis would collapse and no longer rise. After hours of jerking and blowing and twenty something orgasms later, I was too tired to carry on any longer. He, on the other hand, continued to go at it like there was no tomorrow.

As I dozed off to sleep, Mexican Boy was still jerking off while groping at various parts of my body. I lost count of how many times he orgasmed that night but instead opted to count the sheep in my head.

Maybe this is why Mexicans tend to have so many children?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Asian = Small Penis?

I am an Asian American female who has not dated very many Asian American men. Partially in fear that I might shake my head in shame of the small penis size, and then proceed to disassociate myself from my heritage completely and marry a black man instead. Yes, because we all know black men hold the trophy in stereotypes for having gigantic cocks.

The first Asian penis (a Vietnamese dude) I ever encountered was during early high school in the backseat of his nice little Lexus sports sedan. It was surprisingly roomy, and with the car radio playing slow love songs, the mood for romance began to bubble. The kissing lead to touching, the touching lead to more touching, which lead to dry humping, until finally, it lead to the unbuckling and unwrapping of his pants, only to reveal a TINY one-eyed gnome, sitting there in a neatly trimmed lawn of pubes.

Since then, I have encountered two more Asian penises, but I'll save those stories for another day.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, I promised myself abstinence till marriage. Once upon a time, I also wanted to become just like Britney Spears, the spotless pop princess who belted out hit songs like "Hit Me Baby (One More Time)." Needless to say, those times have expired, and Spears has probably more spots than all of the dogs in "101 Dalmatians" combined.

Now at twenty, I consider it an accomplishment to still have my hymen intact. Some applaud it while others gasp in shock. Most just can't wait to rip my pants off and detach the last of my innocence from me. But somehow, somewhere in the back of my mind, I have chosen to abstain, and I'm quite stubborn about it.

Certain advantages play out when one still has their cherry intact. Here is my list of why I have chosen to let my vaginal canal sit alone, in the dark, waiting to expire:

1. Hone Your Other Sex Skills
Lack of sex means more practice in the alternatives, such as dry humping. Or cock sucking.
2. No Fears of Pregnancy or Sexually Transmitted Diseases
For the most part, that is.
3. No Guilt and No Regret
No feeling like a dirty little slut for fucking that random guy you met last night while drunk. No regretting you lost your virginity to the ex-boyfriend that supposedly "loved" you and then dumped you after the sex got old. No feeling like you may have disappointed mommy and daddy, kind of like how you might feel after failing to get into that law school they really wanted you to attend or just failing in life in general.
4. Increase in Value
As a rarity in today's society, and since rare things are often worth more, one may feel an increase in self-worth. That and there's a pool of men out there who have virgin fetishes who may be interested in bidding for your virginity.

So happy gold digging and keep those legs closed, ladies.