Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dear Edison Chen,

Dear Edison Chen,
You're my fucking hero.


I'm sure if you can read English, you probably have no idea who the dude is, but as of late, the media in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are going insane over leaked sex photos of this dude and several other famous Chinese stars. Chen is "a Hong Kong movie actor, singer, idol, founder of CLOT Inc. and the CEO of Clot Media Division Limited" according to his Wikipedia. I don't really care what the hell that all means, but all I know is this dude is hot. Upon further reading of his Wikipedia, it turns out Chen also flunked out of high school and then somehow out of sheer dumb luck, became the superstar he is today.

Now this pretty much defies every single stereotype ever set across my mind about Chinese people. We don't have to be hard-working and smart to be successful in life. And we have pre-marital sex. Whoa.

My entire life, my good old Mother has embedded in my mind that Chinese people do NOT have sex before marriage. Ever. And yes, I believe(d) her. It's quite sad to say that only did I approach 20 did I start to realize... perhaps her views were skewed. Perhaps they were just flat out lies. Either way, I feel that at times I do a lot of things that disappoint my Mother. This is one category that I have persevered in. She may not be so happy about finding out I've pretty much been to third base and back, but hey, at least I've still got my cherry.

But now reality is starting to land. I almost feel a little backwards, but at the same time I feel unready to have my vagina penetrated.

Edison Chen, if you ever read this, I would definitely do you.

On a side note, Chen has a blog and it's in English. Although it's very bad English, which really doesn't make much sense to me since his fan base is Chinese speaking people. And even those who've learned English probably can't make much sense out of it since it's not even proper English. Hell, even I can't fully comprehend half of it. Oh well, he's hot.


MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

Oh so your family puts pressure on you, well that explains a lot.

He is hot, find out where he lives and go for it! It’s weird to find out the same things that are happening here, are happening on the other side of the world too…


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

wish i was your hero, and why are u deprived. nice spot hon chk me out one day u can hit this for starters the name game

Obesio said...

I am certainly not an authority on Chinese sexuality, but I can tell you that I had sex with a few Chinese girls in college and it was delightful for me at least. Not so much for them.

wynsters the tigress said...

hmm...asian men don't usually do it for me, but mr. chen here, i'd be more than willing ;-)

Obesio said...

Ok. So it was one Chinese chick and we had drunken sex in a ditch behind a house where a party was being held. I have a sinking suspicion that she was getting back at her parents for the violin lessons or something.

Anonymous said...

I have had chinese girls who were quite eager in their premarital sexualizing. The great thing about eating chinese is that ten minutes later you're hungry for more.

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering what are Edison Chen's parents thinking now.

I mean... his mom and dad..... What are they thinking about all these saga... about this probably unknown (I mean who would gladly tell it all to their parents about their sexual lives?) sexual history of their son?

isn't it heart-breaking? not just about the raunchy photos but also the kind of wild lifestyle edison is/has been leading. (not that a human can't have multiple sex partners)

How is he gonna face his parents regarding all these?

Sex Deprived Virgin said...

Conscience - I would imagine his parents to be VERY, very ashamed. If they were my parents, I'd probably be disowned.

It's just not in the Chinese culture to "believe" people live wild and crazy and sexual lifestyles, even though it's happening all around them. Everyone employs a hush-hush rule on talking about sex, but when the lights go out, they're freaks themselves. It's rather hypocritical.

Cat said...

edison chen's father is very rich, so of course he can support his son and edison don't need to work hard. also edison had education in canada when he's young, that explains why he's very open with matters regarding to sex. majority of chinese still cares about sex after marriage...

Anonymous said...

Edison Chen's photos just shows you can't buy into racial stereotypes because he does not have a small dick. It looks way beyond 6 inches so he's well above average. Next time you hear someone say Asian men have small dicks you now know it's bullshit.

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